Thursday, April 2, 2009

Things they DON'T tell you!

So, for all you mom's out there, you will understand and appreciate this.
And for anyone thinking of becoming a mom, I am not trying to scare you off by any means, I am just trying to prepare you for the things NO ONE told me!!

(This could get a little too detailed for some people)

Number ONE: No one told me that birth control didn't really work when you're on antibiotics. (hint- thats how I got pregnant)

Number TWO: When getting ready to deliver your baby, your face, arms, legs and feet can swell like balloons!

I looked like I was having an allergic reaction! (I really was trying so hard to open my eyes)

Number THREE: Don't let your baby fool you the first week, they can change their minds in an instant! They call it your baby "wakes up" after the first week of it's life. So don't expect your baby to always be that perfect angel it is the first few days!

Number FOUR: Breastfeeding is NOT as easy as most women let it on to be! Get a lactation specialist no matter how good you think you are at it! My nipples were as cut and cracked as the grand canyon!
And it felt like he was gnawing on open sores... NOT a pleasant experience. And when everyone says it should only last 2 weeks about... my sores didn't close for a month and a half! Not to mention they were still quite tender for a while after that still.

Number FIVE: The doctors say that you are healed in about 6 weeks and can go back to full activity. This is true, but what they don't tell you is that you are still HURTING after that. Your body may be healed but that doesn't mean that you feel completely healed! So take it easy when you get back into certain activities :)

And Number SIX: No one explains to you the AGONY of trying to wheen your child! It feels like you're carrying around hard boulders on your chest that are about to burst! So not fun!

Like I said, this is just to prepare you for what is to come. It is all everybit worth it because of the wonderful gift you receive and joy your child will bring to you.


Katrina Rasband said...

OMG! you are too funny but oh! so! true!

Julene said...

Oh honey, I am so sorry....and welcome to motherhood! Can't wait for your upcoming posts on what they don't tell you about teenagers!

Molly said...

I could've told you about the antibiotics thing...what a great help I am haha! Thanks for the tips now, I think my wait for kids just went up to 2 more years...haha jk!

kimberly said...

i feel a little venting going on and yes there are a lot of things you dont you when your a first mom.. but everyone is different... it is all worth it.

Bryan and Katie said...

I'm so glad you blogged about this!! FINALLY someone wants to educate us!! lol

Laura said...

Yes! everyone is different and eperience different things. I only wish the things I had told you would of happened to you. I am very blessed for the things I didn't have to go through. You were so good through all of it and did wonderful for being your first time.

Anny said...

I know I never thought I would, but I did forget a few of those major details. I guess that is why I had a few more. Love the picture of the Grand Canyon, that is one noone told me either!!!!

Kass said...

Yes-Welcome to Motherhood. . .you've got it all right-and it's all worth it. P.S. My birth control didn't work and I wasn't on antibiotics. :)

Becca said...

Wow, you do forget a lot of things...I think you have to, or everyone would have one child Ü