Friday, April 3, 2009

One of those Days...

So today started out as any other day....

Then we decided to go to the post office to send some stuff. Braxton hates the car, but was actually good until we got there. As soon as we got there I pulled him out (still in his carseat), got the package I was sending (it was big and awkward shaped) and started for the door. Braxton started whining and getting angry, while the package was slipping out of my hand ever 3 steps I took and the more steps I took the more frustrated I was becoming. Then when we got in the building I needed to ask a quick question. No one was in line and there were 3 people behind the counter. I went up to the first lady to ask a quick and simple question (awkward package and crying child still in hands) and before I even finished the question without even looking up she yelled "Go get in line I'm busy right now". How rude and inconsiderate can some people be? Well I was quite frustrated and upset by that point.

We made it home finally and not even 30 min later I get a phone call from Josh saying he rear ended someone and would call me later. All I could think of is great, i don't even need this right now. What happended was it was stop and go traffic and he saw the car next to him move so he just let off the brake and barely bumped the car in front of him. There was nothing wrong with the car, but there was a mother and 2 day old child in the car who were insistant that something could be wrong with their child!! Talk about paranoia. So they demanded to call the cops. Everything ended up being fine and the cop was annoyed saying there is nothing to report, nothing was wrong.

It has just been one of those days where I want to sit in our room turn on the tv, turn off the lights, grab a bar of chocolate and end the day hoping tomorrow would be better.

Then when I'm about to start crying, My handsome little Braxton just looks up at me with a concerned look, and then just starts laughing! He was just too darn cute that I couldn't help but feel lighter. No matter what happens to make your day bad, you just have to realize that there is so much more to be happy about. Don't let grumpy people rub off on you!


Susie said...

We all have those days - it's amazing how chocolate or ice cream can help ease the pain or in your case a smiling baby!! Love to hear about your fun adventures in motherhood!!

The Lichlyter's said...

I couldn't agree more. I am sorry that you had a bad day but I am happy it ended on a good note. Kids are definitely there to give us a boost when we need it the most.

Laura said...

That is a horrible day. I am so glad you have Braxton there to keep up your spirits. Love and miss you!

Anny said...

I hear ya! I believe that our children (as hard as they are sometimes) are our physical angels, to hold us and let us know everything is going to be ok. Having just Zack were hard years, because it was all so new and kind of boring. Now that the house is full and boredom is the last thing in my life - I treasure that time just as I am trying to treasure my present situation. I love ya Jess. Know you can call anytime also. We can cry on each other's shoulders.

Kass said...

One of those days. . .I love how your little guy helped you just laugh it all off! It's definitely not funny during it all though. Is it ever NOT one of those days when you have to go IN to the post office? Seriously.

Glad Josh & others invovled are okay after the fender bender.

Becca said...

What a great all too familiar to me. I'm glad it ended on a good note with your sweet boy. He is soooo cute Ü Love and miss ya.