Our babies now... so full of mischief
I have been very blessed with the awesome dogs which we have. They have their little annoyances about them but over all I couldn't have asked for a better pair for our family. I often compare Crimson's personality to a teenage cheerleader. She is SO peppy and happy about EVERYTHING! She is in your face at the slightest hint of attention and she is just joyful and excited about anything and everything. She can be a bit of a ditz, like running into the wall for no reason, or sliding into the door. But she is so amazing with our boys. She lets Braxton crawl all over her and pull her cheeks and ears without moving or getting up. It amazes me how much patience they have! Braxton hasn't done anything yet that has made them upset enough to move from their chair.
Alabama has such a different personality, but one that we quite enjoy! We like to compare him to a surfer dude! He is so chill and relaxed, and nothing worries him! If he's getting attention he doesn't even get too excited like Crimson, he just lets you pet him. He does tend to do the "Dane Lean" when he's getting pet (they lean against your body pretty much making you almost fall over). If we get upset at him and yell or swat his butt, he just waves it off and slowly does what we want him to. In his own slow time. Better than not listening at all! He is also our watch dog, he has saved me from a few scary door salesmen that didn't feel quite right opening the door, but he was right there to scare them away. As you can imagine just the sight of him scares people off, so he doesn't even have to growl or bark. He too is just as amazing with our boys. Doesn't move a muscle when Braxton is climbing on him. He does like to lick the leftovers off of Nixons fingers and face.. but who wouldn't?
I've been especially more grateful and appreciative of these gentle beasts lately because of our circumstances. Alabama has a skin problem and we are going back and forth with having to give him up. His treatments are too expensive and he needs to be neutered as well (the extra hormones make his condition worse I guess, us girls should know about that!). He is so much a part of our family that it is breaking my heart! But we want whats best for him and if he doesn't get treated it could cause permanent damage or infection.
I know God wants us to be happy and I know he has a plan for each of us that doesn't always go with what we want, but if this is a test of our faith I hope I'm doing the right thing because if I give him up it will be the hardest thing I have EVER had to do in my life, hands down.
I'm not trying to be pessimistic. I really have been so blessed having these creatures from God in our home. I love them, and am grateful for their spirits.
Just to get an idea of their size :)
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