Friday, September 4, 2009

The Dog Ate My Homework?

I believe any kid who tells me that their dog ate their homework!! Let me explain....

On Monday Braxton and I went into town with Josh at 5am because we had a Dr. appointment that day in Phoenix (I don't have a car). So we spent all day in Phoenix and got home at around 6pm. When I get out of the car and am grabbing stuff out to go inside I hear Josh yelling from inside.... I got inside to find the dogs there.... with a destroyed house. I have no clue how they got the sliding back door open but they did. There was poo and pee in the back room, random stuff chewed up all over the floors, Braxton's room was covered every inch by diapers (we could salvage most of them), a broken build-a-bear that Josh personalized for me before we got married, a bedroom full of chewed up papers and trash dumped from the trash can, and Bama had eaten a whole bar of soap and was throwing it up everywhere. And guess who was the calm one? ME! Surprising I know, but Josh was blowing his head off yelling all over the place so there was no need for me to get upset. In the end nothing too important was damaged... mostly material things and we are grateful for that. What lesson did we learn that night? ALWAYS lock the back door when leaving the house, and never underestimate your sneaky pets! We still love them to death, we just can't trust them alone! They are only puppies still.

So, besides that things are still moving for us. Josh will be starting his 3rd year of school this month (only one more after that!) and is doing really well at work!. Braxton is 8 months now and starting to walk! He'll take 3-4 steps at a time when he lets go of the couch. I'm sure he'll be walking all over the place in another month or so! We just love him to death, and couldn't ask for a more well behaved child.... especially now that I'll have to learn how to take care of 2 of them.
Yup, numero 2 is on the way. I am due March 12. We are excited!

Life is a little slow right now but we are doing well. We miss our family in Texas but will see them at Thanksgiving!


Susie said...

Congrats Jessica - it's about time you posted something!!! One time Spike broke in the house - lightening and thunder scared him.

Gates & Tausha said...!!! holy COW! #2 is-a-comin?! CONGRATS! that is so crazy. life wont be "slow" much longer. :)

Anny said...

Yeah! Grandma told me about your great news!
Sorry about those darn puppies! I can just imagine the mess.

Laura said...

We are so excited for you Jess! I am just sad I cant be there for your little ones to grow. That is why I dont have pets! haha!Love you!

Unknown said...

I hope you both come up for Thanksgiving. I still have not seen Braxton. I am a sucky aunt!

Julene said...

Congratulations! And please take a picture next time!!! I would have LOVED to have seen THAT!

Becca said...

Wow, what big news! Congrats on #2. March isn't too far away:) I can just imagine your house. That sounds horrible to clean up after. I'm sure they're just like kids though, you can't get too mad at them. Wished we could have seen a picture. Glad all is well. Miss ya!

Kass said...

Soo excited for your new little one. I can't believe Braxton is almost walking...seriously? You're going to have to watch him too pretty soon. Good 'ol Pets....ugh- I'm glad it's all okay now.

The Ellsworth's said...

Congrats Jessica! That's wonderful! You two kids will be about the same age apart as Meghan and I are. It may be crazy right now when they are small... but just think of the awesome helpers you will have when the get older! :)


Soooooo Sorry about the dog fiasco! It must have been very frustrating for you kids. Braxton is a wonderful boy and sounds very happy. Glad for that. Love You! Grandma