Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Darnell/Parks Campout!

So let me relay the story to you...
We get out to the campsite and start setting up. First of all, it was windy as all get out! Braxton doesn't like the wind... He must have had some tragic experience with it that I don't remember because he's been like this since I can remember! So Braxton isn't having a good time. Second... because of the wind Rachel and Bobby's tent kept trying to make a getaway! It was kind of funny trying to watch Rachel hold the tent from flying away while Bobby and Josh come to her rescue. Third... it started raining at 8:30 that night and didn't stop until... well it just never stopped! We were packing up in mud... and the inside of our car is caked in it! I still haven't cleaned it out!

All in all it was still a fun trip! We did get some games in before the rain started up that night. And since we couldn't make our breakfast the next morning we went and had breakfast in the closest city (Cave Creek). Braxton likes to grab anything in his reach and somehow I let him get in reach of my hot chocolate.... yup... all over me!! But we really enjoyed being able to spend time with Bobby and Rachel. It will definately be a trip we remember!

How do I set this thing up?

Finally! We are in business.... just for the record, we got our tent first!

Braxton and aunt Rachel

Braxton and uncle Bobby

Having a good time

This was Braxton before all the Rain and Wind

This is Braxton after the rain started... wet and tired and not happy!

So on our way home we made a little detour. Josh wanted to show me the place where he wrecked in car playing in the mud over a year ago.
Yup, that's the ditch that he drove his car into.. it's bigger than it looks!
1,000 dollars, 2 rental cars, and a month later we had the car back.


Julene said...

Your post reminds me why I prefer camping at the Marriott!

Landon and Faith said...

How funn!!!! I love mud & dirtyness! N braxton is such a gangsta

Becca said...

Those trips are the most memorable Ü. The older you get, the more camping isn't so fun, so enjoy now.!

Anny said...

Jim and went camping once when we were first married. Our tent wasn't as nice, infact Jim's legs were outside the tent. Other that that and girls camp, that's all the camping I've done. You'll always remember the fun though! I'm loving Braxton.

Laura said...

I hope you guys had fun and I hope you will keep making these memories. We miss you.

Kass said...

What a fun marathon double date. Yes-you will always remember the weekend and will be impressed with how much of troopers you all were.